Webinar: How Insights-Driven Design Can Influence Internal Decision-Makers

  • Tuesday, July 7, 2020
    10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST
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Webinar: How Insights-Driven Design Can Influence Internal Decision-Makers

Marcus Lee

vice president, design

Amy Balliett

CEO, Killer Visual Strategies

Strong insights design makes information clear, resonant, and actionable. It shapes compelling visual narratives and helps organizations recognize patterns and opportunities to solve business problems. But how can you speak visually in a way that feels resonant to your internal stakeholders? And why does design matter when it comes to building trust and authority with those audiences?

Join Marcus Lee, our vice president of design, in conversation with Amy Balliett, CEO of Killer Visual Strategies, to learn how you can develop data- and insights-powered reports and presentations that engage stakeholders and drive business growth.

Walk away knowing how to:

  • Facilitate human understanding by shaping your data into visual narratives.
  • Create designs that appeal to multiple audiences and stakeholders.
  • Deliver a clear message by achieving cohesion in the insights you share and the design you develop.

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