Summer is here. Summer, of course, has its own set of challenges: the office vacation calendar gets complicated, every street in the city becomes a construction detour, and you find out the hard way whether or not your air conditioning works. Fortunately, summer also has its rewards: an abundance of summer cocktails, catchy summer pop hits, and the opportunity to finally tackle that line on your list of New Year’s Resolutions: Read More Books.
At LRW, we’ve been squeezing books into our schedule by listening to audiobooks in our cars, reading books on the subway, and packing books in our suitcases when we travel. The roads, after all, aren’t the only things under construction this summer. As the Greek poet Hesiod once wrote, “It will not always be summer; build barns.”
Here’s a taste of what we’ve been reading, and what we’d recommend to anyone who has an unfulfilled New Year’s Resolution.
If Your New Year’s Resolution Was: Embrace New Ideas
If Your New Year’s Resolution Was: KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)
If Your New Year’s Resolution Was: Learn What Makes People Tick
If Your New Year’s Resolution Was: Meet New People
If Your New Year’s Resolution Was: Be More Creative
If Your New Year’s Resolution Was: Be More Cultured
What are you reading this summer? Let us know in the comments.
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