Collette Eccleston
SVP, Pragmatic Brain Science©

As the leader of the Pragmatic Brain Science Institute®, Collette uses theories and methods from the behavioral and social sciences to uncover the less conscious and emotional drivers of consumer behavior. She consults with clients and develops frameworks and measurement approaches to get to better insights. Collette loves the mix of theory and application, wrestling with big ideas and then seeing how they play out in addressing real business challenges.
Collette has two decades of experience conducting basic and applied research. Prior to joining LRW, a Material Company, she was a professor of psychology at Syracuse University where her research and teaching addressed emotions, stereotypes and identity. She received a B.A. in psychology from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Originally from Jamaica, Collette has moved between New York and California four times in 20 years. She cultivated a love of hiking from her years out west but is most at home in NYC, happily exploring trails in nearby Hudson Valley. Her easy-going demeanor disappears when she plays Scrabble (old-school, on an actual board). She is a fierce Scrabble competitor, saving scores from her best games to prove it.