Client Results

Communications Testing System

Humanizing Quantitative Research in Home Entertainment

In order to optimize performance of home entertainment movie releases, LRW delivered a multi-stage communications testing system and ongoing title tracking to help ensure that positioning, packaging, and advertising result in high-impact releases. Along with developing sophisticated forecasting models, this top studio wanted to add a more human story to their data - to explore the ‘whys’ behind it, while developing the ability to quickly gather and act on feedback in between waves of the tracker.

Facilitating an energetic community of movie enthusiasts to dig up fresh insights

LRWTonic established a long-term community of people – including special target segments – who rent or buy movies to watch at home. The community runs in parallel to our systems and tracking quantitative work. Along with ongoing engagement activities and exercise, the community provides consumer insights on questions about what to emphasize in home entertainment marketing, addressing issues such as genre, franchise, characters, stars, music, special features, and more. The community participants dialogue with one another and the moderator to co-create concepts and positioning, then members vote on the best crowd sourced ideas, which are tracked in a leader board.

Rather than relying on the creative team, who may be less inclined to deviate from theatrical positioning, consumers drive the positioning used in quantitative testing. Ongoing consumer engagement allows deeper dives on issues discovered in the testing system and tracking program. Integrated reporting of the quantitative and qualitative data gives movie marketers more insight about how to win with home viewing audiences.

Mixed Methods

Mixed Methods

Applied qualitative and quantitative practices to discover fresh insights

Interactive Insights

Interactive Insights

Analyzed community discussions to understand home entertainment preferences

Human Input

Human Input

Focused on personal statements - both prompted and unprompted - to derive analytical conclusions

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