As any true Game of Thrones fan knows, “… a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.” (George RR Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire.) We may not be entrenched in a winner-take-all, fight-to-the-death land war for control of Westeros like Tyrion Lannister, but we do like sharpening our minds with books, even in the summer.
Which books have we chosen as whetstones this summer? Here are some of LRW’s top reads of 2016.
For the Business Readers (who may, sometimes, feel caught in a Game of Thrones episode):
For the Beach Readers (specifically, those seeking the Happily Ever After that Game of Thrones so rarely offers):
**Tied for Most Recommended
For the Readers of Contemporary Culture (because there’s more on the Internet than Game of Thrones spoilers):
And, of course, for all of the Game of Thrones fans suffering withdrawal:
What are you reading this summer? Let us know in the comments.
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